Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Catherine Naylor-Leyland

Woman Crush Wednesday: Catherine Naylor-Leyland

© Catherine Naylor-Leyland

Words & Images by Catherine Naylor-Leyland

Interview by Athena Abdien

What inspires you as a photographer? 

Many things. People, Places, Light and Colour. Other current photographers - Rohit and Vineet Vohra, Julia Coddington, Stephen Leslie, Tita Mavromichalis, Ximena Echague, Debraini Das, Suresh Naganathan, Komal Bedi Sohal, Stephanie Duprie Roth…I could go on. But I think what motivates me most are my trips to India. Not only for the photographs but for the attitude. It’s an obsession. Life happens right before your eyes. On every street corner. This inspires me. 

© Catherine Naylor-Leyland

How did the process of creating the following images come to be? 

All these images are from different trips to India. Kolkata, Varansi, Jodhpur, Prayagraj, Nandgaon and Barsana. Mainly at festivals marking important Hindu rituals. From Holi to Marg Mela. I usually attend a workshop given by Vineet and Rohit. It’s more a gathering of well heeled photographers who enjoy the experience of sharing and talking about the work they create. Photography can be a solitary experience and I have gained a lot just from the friendships that have arisen from meeting fellow like minded and interested people. 

© Catherine Naylor-Leyland

Can you describe the way(s) in which image-making, journalism, reportage, fashion and portraiture come together? 

Through story telling. I'm not a 'purist'. I don't believe you cannot combine elements from different genres. I am interested in 'street' photography but I love a wide aperture which isn't strictly the rule! Aesthetics are important to me and I love my images to illustrate an atmosphere, a mood. My images combine documentary and portraiture without intention. My pursuit is my own discovery.

© Catherine Naylor-Leyland

If you could teach a one-hour class on anything, what would it be? 

I could well talk for an hour about the merits of visiting India especially for Photography. 

What was the last film you saw that resonated with you? 

The Nan Goldin documentary "All the Beauty and the Bloodshed". A layered, sensitive and inspiring account of Nan's life, her work, her personal experiences. Her passion to use her notoriety and established artistic merit to highlight a silent epidemic.

© Catherine Naylor-Leyland

Describe your creative process in one word. 


What is your favourite podcast to listen to?

I am obsessed with the BBC World Service Documentary Podcasts. From Mongolian Hip Hop to the missing Crypto Queen. One of my favourites was 'Sweeping the World' where poet Imtiaz Dharker with her beautiful words and soft melodic voice presents the broom in different cultures. Sounds inane but evokes much imagery. 'The Moth' is also a firm podcast favourite. These are the true story tellers. I have laughed and I have cried.

How do you take your coffee? 

By the bucket load! and that's the same for Chai.

© Catherine Naylor-Leyland

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