Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Photo Journal Monday: Anthony Bockheim

Photo Journal Monday: Anthony Bockheim

The Other Side of Plastic #2

©Anthony Bockheim

Photos and Writing by Anthony Bockheim

“We build barriers. Like many animals, humans desire to create ideal conditions for our homes or cultivation of food. Nature invariably encroaches. Many of these barriers are plastic, and as they decay create unique visual filters. Often, many layers of information are present. Dirt, grime, an insect, or condensation are often present and work in tandem to create a filter. The perceived subject, perhaps banal or mundane, can now be rediscovered. Objects may swim in and out of focus. A push and pull between two and three dimensions may appear. All of this a consequence of plastic; the material which is literally smothering and distorting our oasis.

The Other Side of Plastic #10

©Anthony Bockheim

Visually welcoming images with undertones of the grim yet lurid infringement humanity has imposed on Earth may be perceived in what I present to you.”

The Other Side of Plastic #9

©Anthony Bockheim

The Other Side of Plastic #8

©Anthony Bockheim

The Other Side of Plastic #5

©Anthony Bockheim

Woman Crush Wednesday: Areca Roe

Woman Crush Wednesday: Areca Roe

Exhibition Review: Thierry Mugler | Couturissme

Exhibition Review: Thierry Mugler | Couturissme