Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The Betel Nut Beauty

Flash Fiction: The Betel Nut Beauty

520 © Sihan Cui

520 © Sihan Cui

Written by Trevor Bishai

It’s been one of the longest days in a while. The festival brought in a swath of tourists from the country. I’m exhausted.

 As I gaze out onto the dark street, my phone screen lights up on the table. It’s a text from Paihan. Hey baby, how was your day? Am I gonna see ur pretty face tonight?

 I see the text, but I don’t pick up my phone. I’m too tired to even think. I just keep seeing the way that man wet his lips when he looked at me earlier today. If I close my eyes for a second, that’s all I see. I think of Paihan, and I know he’s never seen an expression like that. I love him, but he will never understand.

 Now I’m just staring straight ahead. My phone screen lights up again. I don’t divert my gaze this time, because I think it’s Paihan again. But after a few moments, I look again. It’s Tingting. 

 Come over when you’re done! Girls night with Akemi. I pick up my phone.

To learn more of Sihan Cui’s 520 project, visit her website

Weekend Portfolio:  Rudi Geyser

Weekend Portfolio: Rudi Geyser

Art Out:Mona Kuhn, Photography and the American Magazine, Mariette Pathy Allen

Art Out:Mona Kuhn, Photography and the American Magazine, Mariette Pathy Allen