Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The Journey

Flash Fiction: The Journey

By Ann Catherine Hughes

We have been on the road for so long. 

My feet are beginning to hurt. It will soon be dark and only the moonlight will light our way, but the smoke is so thick. 

Sometimes I wonder if you know where we are headed. I don’t doubt you are scared too, but you always stay strong for me. 

Even Father wasn’t as strong as you. You have told me trust my gut, for better or for worse. 

My gut tells me to trust you. No matter where we are headed and what mysteries await us…

I will always trust you.

Photo Journal Monday: Johnnie Chatman

Photo Journal Monday: Johnnie Chatman

Weekend Portfolio: Lucas Olivet

Weekend Portfolio: Lucas Olivet