Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Book Review: Nudism in a Cold Climate: The Visual Culture of Naturists in Mid-20th Century Britain

Book Review: Nudism in a Cold Climate: The Visual Culture of Naturists in Mid-20th Century Britain

Anthony Peacock, ‘No. 10 Nottingham Sun and Air Society campsite’, Sun Bathing Review, 1941, p. 33. © A J Peacock Pochin, Courtesy of Hawk Editorial Ltd, publisher of H&E Naturist magazine

In a thorough examination of a historically taboo topic, Dr. Anabella Pollen’s book, Nudism in a Cold Climate: The Visual Culture of Naturists in Mid-20th Century Britain, exposes the highs and lows of nudist groups in and around British society. In this photographic collection, the idea that history is written for the winner’s sake is thrown out with the bath water, and Pollen sets her readers straight in an honest task of show-and-tell as a research-driven Virgil. Before beginning her descent into the dizzying tale of nudist culture, Pollen is quick to present the modern-day issues that lie within her 272-page book, specifically regarding the issues of pornography, consent, and racial disparities, all of which, she states, are presented within and for the sake of historical context. 

Colin R. Clark, ‘East Midland Sunfolk’ [East Midland Sunfolk Rally, 19 August 1951], Health Efficiency, November 1951, n.p. © Colin R. Clark Estate

As a researcher and teacher at The University of Brighton, Pollen has dedicated herself to her craft of writing and historical exploration via resistance through art, spirituality, forms of dress, and photography. She credits her AHRC Fellowship, Picturesqueness in Everything, as the main inspiration for Nudism in a Cold Climate which details nudism in three stages: its altruistic birth, its rise to fame, and its subsequent unravelling due to out-of-touch philosophies and British law. 

Uncredited photographer, ‘Film still from the first British nudist film, Nudist Paradise. 1958. Courtesy of RGA

To be honest, I don’t think I am the only one to have considered haphazardly chucking the mantle of society to become one with nature. Yet, Dr. Anabella Pollen’s crash course on nudism offers an image entirely different to my vision of running blithely into a forest wearing nothing but my birthday suit. In sharp contrast to my pre-conceived images of a hippie skipping barefoot in leaf coverings, Pollen proves that the reality of nudist culture is nuanced. 

Uncredited photographer, ‘A Corner of the Restaurant’, A Confidential Chat About Spielplatz, 1948 edition. Courtesy of the Spielplatz Estate Archive

In Nudism for a Cold Climate, Pollen demonstrates her mastery in research, guiding her readers through a world war, a long battle of British law vs. nudist photography, and the connection between nudist marketing and photography, which spurred forward the beauty standards of today. Primarily founded in an egalitarian manner, British nudists believed that being naked would fully connect individuals to their true selves and their surroundings. This connection was reflected in diet, the removal of dress, and the overall physical and mental wellbeing through games of strength, tea-sipping, and reading literature. 

Ervin Marton, ‘Last year’s hair style!’ The Naturist, January 1955, p. 27. © Ervin Marton Estate

To many, a casual utopian discus game mixed with “Naked and Afraid” tea-sippers might sound inviting (although, I’d simply prefer the tea-sipping part, personally). However, as Pollen later reflects in the final section of Nudism in a Cold Climate, the overt assessment of British nudist culture is that its overall beauty standard requirement is as cold as the British weather. While so much “ink has been spilled” on the topic of nudism, I very much look forward to a second history of nudism installment from Pollen.

Dr. Anabella Pollen’s book, Nudism in a Cold Climate will be available on January 18, 2022. It is available for pre-order now

Uncredited photographer, ‘Visitors to the Manor House play croquet...’, Sun Bathing Review, Winter 1950. Courtesy of Hawk Editorial Ltd, publisher of H&E Naturist magazine

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