Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Photo Journal Monday: Sinjun Strom

Photo Journal Monday: Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait LII, New York, New York. Exotic Series, December 2018.©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait LII, New York, New York. Exotic Series, December 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Images and text by Sinjun Strom.

When I was young and trying things, I always photographed myself because I was still figuring out how to even make pictures before I felt ready to deal with people. I didn't realize it then, but looking back i've realized how much making that work in solitude helped me cope with the things that were going on around me. Taking notes from my younger self, I spent a year traveling to nine different countries and making work without an agenda in an attempt to recover from recent traumas. The making stemmed from an urgent need for clarity rather than vanity and the experiences surrounded it all feel equal in value. In my effort to find solitude, I was also reminded of how kind people can be whenever they invite you to stay in their homes and enter their lives. This was a reminder I needed, but didn't know it. 

Self Portrait XIV, Juneau, Alaska. Exotic Series, May 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XIV, Juneau, Alaska. Exotic Series, May 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XLIII ft. Ito (My Son), Guadalajara, Mexico. Exotic Series, August 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XLIII ft. Ito (My Son), Guadalajara, Mexico. Exotic Series, August 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XV, Kansas City, Missouri. Exotic Series, June 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XV, Kansas City, Missouri. Exotic Series, June 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XVIII ft. Loki and Trouble, Kansas City, Missouri. Exotic Series, June 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XVIII ft. Loki and Trouble, Kansas City, Missouri. Exotic Series, June 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXII, Santorini, Greece. Exotic Series, September 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXII, Santorini, Greece. Exotic Series, September 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXIV, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Exotic Series, October 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXIV, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Exotic Series, October 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXV, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Exotic Series, October 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXV, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Exotic Series, October 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXVII ft. My Papa, Edinburgh, Scotland. Exotic Series, September 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXVII ft. My Papa, Edinburgh, Scotland. Exotic Series, September 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXX, Paris, France. Exotic Series, November 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXX, Paris, France. Exotic Series, November 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXXIII, Bradford, Illinois. Exotic Series, August 2018. ©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXXIII, Bradford, Illinois. Exotic Series, August 2018.

©Sinjun Strom

Self Portrait XXXIX, Heber City, Utah. Exotic Series, February 2019. ©Sinjun Strom.

Self Portrait XXXIX, Heber City, Utah. Exotic Series, February 2019.

©Sinjun Strom.

Triggered: Yiming Zheng

Triggered: Yiming Zheng

Weekend Portfolio: Laurence Philomène

Weekend Portfolio: Laurence Philomène