Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Photo Journal Monday: Diego Bazán

Photo Journal Monday: Diego Bazán


Images and text by Diego Bazán

I see my work as emotional and romantic, but at the same time it tells you a story behind the image. My subjects are always in their habitats. My photographs seek mundane everyday moments. It’s the light and the color that suggest the story.


I like to shoot during golden hour. I use analogue photography as a tool to show how I see colors. That is a fundamental part of my work. The city provides an infinite range of possibilities to play with it. An infinite range of moments that I could capture.

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Triggered: Michael McFadden

Triggered: Michael McFadden

Weekend Portfolio: Martha Naranjo Sandoval

Weekend Portfolio: Martha Naranjo Sandoval