Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The Park

Flash Fiction: The Park

© Mankichi Shinshi

© Mankichi Shinshi

By Samantha Milowitz

Do you remember that one time in the park? The sun was just setting, clouds pillowing in over our heads. You were wearing that tattered green sweater and jeans that were way to baggy for your scrawny legs. You were knocking an old soccer ball, back and forth, between your feet, your hands in your pockets. I was sitting on the ground beside you on your skateboard. You had been trying to teach me how to ride it but I couldn’t quite get the balance right and I kept falling down. You told me that the next time we came to the park you would teach me how to balance, how to ride. You looked down at me, sitting on your skateboard and blushed and smiled. I pretended I didn’t notice, but I did. 

I wished, in that moment, we could stay frozen like that forever; me, sitting on your skateboard, you, staring down at me in wonder, seeing me sparkle.

You can see more of Mankichi Shinshi’s work here

Weekend Portfolio: Rhianydd Hylton

Weekend Portfolio: Rhianydd Hylton

Book Review: The Station

Book Review: The Station