Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Art out: Transcendence

Art out: Transcendence

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Onishi Gallery is thrilled to present Transcendence, a group show of commercially- trained photographers and artists whose work rises beyond the bounds of their professional training. A delicate hand veiled in shadows rests on a table, mirrored reflections dance in water, sleek geometric designs fool the eye, and coupled figures are frozen in shimmering dress and evocative poses—these images are carefully executed, balancing in the space between fantastical and actual. Exhibiting the artwork of these four artists in the fine art venue, Onishi Gallery is creating a space for conversation between art and commerce, pleasure and production. Takahiro Igarashi, Julia Comita and Mary Lee (Comita + Lee), and Manuel Morquecho are the star artists of the show.

July 9 –  July 20, 2018

Onishi Gallery, 521 W 26th Street, New York City Summer                                       

Monday - Friday, 10:30 am - 5:30 pm                                                                                         

All images © Nicole Angeles                                                                                                             

For more information visit here

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Art out: Latin American Foto Festival

Art out: Latin American Foto Festival

Film Review: The Captain  (2017)  DIR. Robert Schwentke

Film Review: The Captain (2017) DIR. Robert Schwentke