Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The Rose

Flash Fiction: The Rose

Written by Emma Mathes

Photo by Drishti Verma

Why did she keep it? If you asked her herself, she wouldn’t know what to say.

Her space is always spotless. Her rooms are white on white interior design that stay constantly clean. At eight, she was diagnosed with obsessive compulsions, and anyone who saw her apartment would assume just as much.

But the rose remains on her vanity. It provides the only color not hidden behind closet doors and pearl white drawers. When the petals wilted, she cleaned around it. By now it is crusty; its life drained. But still, she maintains it. She loves it, and the life it once held.

Moment: James Marquis

Moment: James Marquis

From Our Archives: Rachel Perry Welty

From Our Archives: Rachel Perry Welty