Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Pictura Gallery, Photographs from Chicago Public Schools

Pictura Gallery, Photographs from Chicago Public Schools

Jael, Ogden HS

Pictura Gallery, Photographs from Chicago Public Schools
Written By: Lauren Levesque

Pictura Gallery is thrilled to present In Their Light: Photographs from Chicago Public Schools, a unique collection by Melissa Ann Pinney. The exhibition, commencing on [April 5th, 2024] and concluding on [May 31st, 2024], offers a captivating glimpse into the daily lives of students in the Chicago Public School District. Pinney's lens captures the dynamic landscape of adolescence, intertwined with the harsh realities of racism and the profound impact of an individual pandemic.

Pinney embarked on this project in 2018, and what she undertook significantly shaped her work. As the project unfolded, Pinney had the unique opportunity to witness and document students' interactions in various school environments, from predominantly White elementary schools to predominantly Black and Latinx high schools. This project's evolution and its profound influence on Pinney's photography is a compelling aspect of the exhibition.

Pinney’s ‘Jael Ogden HS’ captures teenage uncertainty. The viewer can remember feeling overwhelmed in high school when everything felt out of control. The young woman staring into the mirror gives the impression of solace and uncertainty. The blurred checkered backpack adds a pop of color against the muted tone of the bathroom and dim light.

Jump Rope

‘Jump Rope’ captures relaxation and happiness. The energy in this photograph feels like a rush of warmth, and memories of recess resurface in the mind. The parallel to the image above of uncertainty and quietness to multiple students playing together outside and filled with energy is quite apparent. The viewer can infer that the different social landscapes play a significant role in the energy that simmers within the piece.

Senn Fall Pep Rally

Pinney’s captured shot of ‘Senn Fall Pep Rally’ exemplifies a moment. The initial gaze at this image scatters the viewer's eyes until they land in the center. The viewer can see multiple characters and social circumstances, such as individuals wearing masks and those who don’t. The feeling that Pinney was able to obtain is the buzz and excitement before a High School Pep Rally, and that nostalgia transports viewers back to a different time.


‘Kho’vya’ is a particularly moving image. "A solemn feeling envelops the young woman staring at herself in the bathroom." The viewer begins to wonder if she is comparing herself to others. Is she scrutinizing herself due to beauty standards that are not realistic for every woman on the planet? The placement of every object is intentional and helps shape the uncertain scene displayed. Again, an essential aspect is the similarities between bathrooms in educational settings; they all seem to immerse themselves in dullness.

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